Ikwuagwu igwe

ways to identify your purpose, squirrel, animal, eating


Ways to discover your purpose has always been a daunting task but in this article, I have been able to break it down for you. Are you afraid of asking the right questions? Are you afraid that the answer will explain why your life or business may not be fulfilling? This means you would have to take responsibility for where you are instead of blaming others for your situation and discontent. 

Where is the change?

For you to confront yourself, you would have to change, and the fear of change is what prevents so many people and organizations from discovering their true self and their true purpose.

For those who are curious, I discovered my purpose after 30+ years. Why so long? I never really confronted myself with the question. Once I did, the answer slowly emerged.

This article will put you into one of three camps:

You know your purpose

Having established your own purpose, you now hold the responsibility of living it more fully in order to help others to do the same.

2. You have an idea of what your purpose is but you are not too sure

Although you have a general idea of what your purpose is, you are not certain it is clear. Good work! Use this center of gravity as a compass for your career and life. It will lead to a more fulfilling career and a more fulfilling life. When you use this center of gravity, its purity will be distilled.

3. You have no clue about your purpose

The second and third camps will continue exploring this question and providing you with approaches for answering it. Use the following approaches to define your purpose. You can apply these to an individual, a team or an organization.

Here are the 5 ways to identify your purpose

1. Become a 3 year old. 

It is said that three-year-olds are among the most intelligent beings on the planet. They are tireless in their quest for answers. Those of you who have children will understand. My son kept asking me, “why?” last year. And he kept asking that question until he was satisfied he had the answer he was seeking (and my wife and I were exhausted). And you should keep asking it, too. It is a very important and powerful question.

For instance, ask yourself, “Why do I do what I do?”…And then answer it with, “Why is that important to me?” And then keep going until you have reached the peak of your answer – your purpose.

2. Study your life

What areas in your life provide you with the most stimulation, energy, and excitement? What are you passionate about? It is sometimes easier to pursue your passions first and then your purpose will emerge from there.

In what situations do you consistently get a buzz? Why is that occurring and what do you do?

Your answer will reveal whether or not you are aligned to your purpose when you feel like you are in the zone in all your roles.

3. Take advantage of your strengths. 

How have you exemplified those gifts? What was your experience with them? How have you used them to serve others? The answers to these questions will help you identify a location, a field, or a focus in your life. Within that lies your purpose.

4. Always ask questions.

Consider asking a friend, colleague, or family member what they think your purpose is. Choose only those you trust and know well, as well as those who will be honest in their feedback. The common thread between their answers is what you are seeking.

5. Put a name to it

To finish this sentence, you might say, “My purpose is to…” The ways to identify your purpose have never been this easy.

One or all of these tips should help you determine your purpose. Once you have found ways to identify your purpose, choose the word that summarizes it all for you.

Leave a comment if any of these ways resonates with you. Share with your friends.

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