Ikwuagwu igwe

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5 Powerful Google Business Tools will Transform your Business for Good

Business tools are not not negotiable if you want to stand out as an entrepreneur. There are business tools designed by our dear friend; Google to see that we spend less and gain more in our businesses. I have put together 5 amazing business tools from Google.  they are free and can be accessed with just one login from your google account.

1. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is probably one of the most powerful Google business tools that you can use a as a marketer. You can learn so much about your \"businesswebsite’s visitors including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Demographics – Learn more about your audience, including their location and language.
  • Social Engagement – See what social networks visitors come from and how they interact with your website’s social plugins (custom coding must be implemented).
  • Technology Used – Find out what browsers, operating systems, and networks your visitors are using to view your website.
  • Mobile Information – Curious if you need a mobile website? Find out how many of your visitors are using mobile technology.
  • Traffic Sources – Analyze what websites, keywords, search engines, and other referrers send traffic to your website.
  • Top Content – Get a handle on how effective your content is by seeing your top entry and exit pages.
  • What Leads to Conversions – Set up goals in Google Analytics to find out which visitors complete conversions such as purchasing a product or signing up for a mailing list.

So really, there is no excuse for not using this powerful and, best of all, free business tools on your website.

2. Google Blogger

If you want to start a blog, but you’re not ready to commit to a self-hosted blogging platform such as WordPress, then you might want to consider \"businessthis business tools called Blogger. If it’s been awhile since you last took a look at it, you might be interested in some of the latest improvements noted in the above video. There have been rumors in the past that getting links on Google-owned properties can help with the indexing of your website, so don’t overlook the power of Blogger!

3. Google Books

If you love reading, then this google business tools called Google Books can be a good place to go to find books online in all genres, some of which \"businessyou can read for free. But from a marketing perspective, if you have a book, then you will want to get it listed on Google Books so that you can sell it to an even larger audience, especially now that Google is competing with iTunes and other online media retailers with their new Google Play store for music, books, movies, and Android apps.

4. Google Docs

Want to share documents, spreadsheets, presentations, drawings, and tables with other users to view online or download?  There is a google \"businessbusiness tools for you, it is called: Google Docs. You can collaborate with multiple users or just give access to a read-only version of documents like the publicly accessible Twitter Chat Schedule spreadsheet. You can even create forms and send them via a link. Or directly in an email to collect survey answers, crowdsource post information, and other data.

5. Google Drive

Want to share files online? Then Google Drive might be worth a try. You can currently store 5GB in Google Drive, 1GB in Picasa, and 10GB in Gmail \"businessfor free. Pricing begins at $2.49 per month for 25GB and goes all the way up to $799 per month for 16TB. Welcome to the Google cloud!

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