Blindness is a gift when you realize its meaning by reading this article. Trust me.
Some say, the media is king and I think it is because whoever rules and controls what you can see, controls where you are going to end up. The media is therefore king because the media has found a way to give us humans what we want, what we are wired to appreciate; which is: visuals. We love what we can see. It is really difficult to appreciate what we have not been able to see. This is why visual advertising seeks by all means to capture our attention with strong compelling visuals. Which has pushed them into the present extremes taking place on our bill boards, mobile devices, personal computers, fashion, movies, e.t.c.
The Reality
Here is the sad story: it is said that in the market place, it is the loudest that sells more. Whether this statement is true or not, we find it as the underlying principle working behind the scenes in our career, work place, marketplace and even in our lives. And so, the competition sets in. Everybody gets to scream thinking that is how we get to the top.
But in the midst of this competition, is our confusion caused by our distractions from the commotions going on all around us. Because we must see as human beings. We are naturally attracted by what we can see. We naturally understand by what we can see.
God didn’t explain to Adam who Eve is, God only allowed him to see and he got the whole picture of who Eve is going to be to him. Likewise, Moses at the sight of the burning bush, God had to get to him through an unusual sight. When Lot and family were leaving Sodom and Gomorrah they were instructed not to look back because their sight alone could take them towards the wrong direction.
Could our sight have been our undoing? I don’t think so.
Let\’s Check the Bible
Let us see what the Bible says: Isaiah 50:7
For the LORD GOD will help me, therefore I shall not be confounded. therefore, have I set my face like a flint, and I know I shall not be ashamed.
A closer look at this scripture shows God’s assurance of going to help us in whatever endeavor we embark on especially as young people. But in order to access or take advantage of this help, what do we do?
The prophet here said: I have set my face like a flint. A flint is a sharp edge which is always on point with a sharpness. In other words, this scripture is referring us to stay with a sharpness in order to overcome the barrage of distractions headed our way visually.
If you can remember, we have been emphasizing on being skillful over the past few weeks, but now it is time for us to be on point about our skills with some sharpness and excellence.
Now, let me ask: how do you get a knife or an axe sharpened? By continuous filling. By continuous use and execution towards a particular direction. In order to do this, we cannot afford to be distracted or confused by the barrage of visuals headed our way continuously. This is where a level of blindness to certain visuals are required.
I remember the incident with the man known as blind Barthimaeus in the Bible. Introduced as a blind beggar but on hearing that Jesus Christ of Nazareth was passing by, he began to cry out with a loud voice to attract his attention. The crowd tried to hush him quiet or make him look ridiculous for making such a bold move, but the Bible said, he cried the more.
I am sure that if blind barthimeaus had his sight, he would have kept quiet by the look on their faces.
Blindness becomes a gift when we need to attain excellence in our skills and pursuits in life. When I say blindness, it not to say that you have to literally become blind but a metaphor to suggest that you need to look away from your surroundings and focus more on what is happening within.
Blindness becomes a gift when your sight is inwards, searching out the delicate details of your gift.
Blindness offers you the opportunity to focus your energy on one thing at a time.
Though ironic, but being blind affords you more clarity. You will have the opportunity to do a consistent reflection which will act as a compass that can be used to measure your progress. You will know what your goals are and have planned for the way forward. This developed clarity will enable you to focus and not be distracted from your goals.
Reflecting on the developed understanding and your developed awareness and commitment to succeed will provide you with the opportunity to implement the skills and knowledge when you come up against future challenges. Being more focused and developing your concentration will give you marked improvements in every area of your life.
Blindness can become a blessing because it can help you become more of the following:
You will be more positive.
You will develop a better understanding of yourself.
You will feel more in control.
You will be better at problem solving.
Improved decision making
More clarity.
Being blindfolded is undoubtedly going to make you feel more positive and controlled in your life. Knowing what\’s important in your life will be the seed that will determine where you want to be. The skill is in being committed to achieve your goals. By focusing on the aspects of attainment will clarify what you have to do.
You have to remember that you will have to sustain your focus to become more productive and achieve your dreams, so keep working at it. In the end you will get better opportunities and you will be more satisfied with your choices and your life. The benefit you will experience will be determined by your commitment and practice