Ikwuagwu igwe

Wonderful Results? Try this

The earnest prayer of a righteous man produces wonderful results. James 5; 16 (NLT)

The quest or desire for producing wonderful results is a common feature with all men especially the ones whose creativity are significantly outspoken. But one will ask; what business does prayer have with work of art, or design solution or a design process?

Prayer opens your mind to think beyond your present inadequacies and strictures. It is the process of stretching beyond your obvious taboos that you wander into incogitability.

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But let me ask: how raunchy do you want to produce a wonderful result with your current project? Are you simply in business just to get by? Do you really want to make a primo autograph?

If you want it badly enough, then you pray for it badly enough with all passion. Same way, if you want to make a mark in entrepreneurship, medicine, engineering – you have to work hard enough more than required. But the foundation of your hard work has to be fused in an earnest prayer.

Elijah wanted rain badly enough and he saw it, heard it and then declared: “I hear the sound of abundance of rain” and then he began to pray earnestly for it.

How bad do you want it? How bad are you praying about it? How subaqueous is your desire to produce wonderful results?

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No one or profession is exempted from prayer. Man is nothing without prayer. Tell me a religion that does not take prayer as a priority? Likewise show me a people with more wonderful results than Christians in earnest prayer- there is none. We are an epitome of wonderful results.

When you don’t have wonderful results, you are still a mediocre. Nobody wants to beat the second runner up, only the winner because he is the only remarkable figure to behold.

What will make you a remarkable lawyer that is well sought after, if not when you win wonderful cases wonderfully?

The sought after doctors are those who take up difficult cases and solve it. What make you a wonder are wonderful results. A wonderful result is a lone star without any similarity.

By all means, in your recluse zone engage in an earnest prayer with God concerning your life visions and the wonderful results we have so far seen in the world will not compare to what you will produce.


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3 thoughts on “Wonderful Results? Try this”

  1. “How raunchy do you want to produce wonderful results?”
    This is a question for me.
    God bless you sir.

  2. This is by all means on point. I don’t know why many Christians shy away from prayer as if they are doing the preacher a favour.

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