Ikwuagwu igwe

Why Pray when there is an Omniscient God?

My objective for setting to write this is not to bring a new definition to prayer or to show you how to pray, but it is for you and I to see God as a prayer loving God.

I will set out by putting the daily lifestyle of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ on the spot light. His life as it pertains to this activity of prayer. Jesus Christ viewed prayer as an activity that determines the outcome of his everyday life while He was here on earth. The scriptures will say that he always rises up early before dawn in order to start his day with this exercise of prayer. Jesus Christ, by this daily routine has placed the activity of prayer as an important ingredient in a Christian’s life.

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Let me jump into the main theme I started with. It is true that effectual and fervent prayer makes tremendous power available to bring miracles across. Power to turn lives around for good. Power to make alive and sustain life. Power to meet our needs and supply whatever we’re looking for. But why do we have to pray in order to have these?

To answer this question let me start by saying that our needs and troubles have given us a wrong mindset about prayer. We now see the activity of prayer as a time to get from God anything that we need. But this is not the reason for prayer. God in his omniscience knows everything about us including our needs and troubles. If he does then why does he still needs us to pray? Let me remind us of a scene Jesus Christ painted in Luke 11 when he taught his disciples how to pray, a scene about a man that ran to his friend at midnight asking for bread to feed his guest.  Observing this scene I have noticed that this man on this story wouldn\’t have opened the door to give bread if the man at the door was not his friend. There was a relationship which is why he could come knocking at such an ungodly hour. Imagine the possibility of this man being a frequent visitor to this house or maybe they were very good friends.

Jesus Christ herein is showing us that God is in love with us praying because of the relationship he wants with us. It is during prayer that we can have the closest contact with God.  When there is a relationship with God borne out of a continued time in prayer then making a request in prayer to God becomes a joy and God answering now becomes an undying commitment to respond in haste.

I believe this is the reason Jesus Christ taught his disciples to pray by saying: our Father (relationship).  What God looks out for by asking us to pray is to create this platform of relationship with him, by this our needs will become God\’s and permit me to say that God takes your burdens personal.

As a Christian view prayer as an activity of worship to God, an activity of touching God and let him have a feel of you. God wants to have you around always, and when you do, he takes care of whatever need or trouble that may distract you or take you away from his company.

God bless you!

Let us meet at God in prayer!


Let’s continue the conversation in the comments section and I will respond.


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8 thoughts on “Why Pray when there is an Omniscient God?”

  1. Dike Ogbonna C.

    I have been in a Church where prayer is all about making sure my enemies die and get fried and dried and I always knew there was something missing. Thank you for bringing the missing link. I will definitely share this piece.

  2. Pastor Solomon Ayuba

    “it is during prayer that we can have the closest contact with God” this particular line struck me well. but come to think of it, there is no better time to know God than in Prayer, nothing can be compared to the time of prayer I mean a personal private time with God.
    God bless you Sir for this platform, please keep it coming.

    1. there is still so much time in abundance for prayer, it is a matter of where you have placed your values.

    1. Don Simon, you need to come to this other side and you will see the wonders of prayer. I personally am a testimony of what prayer can do. having battled with sickle cell anemia for many years until I found God in the place of prayer and the anemia is no where to be found. How I wish there will be a provision here for my before and after picture and you will see what I am talking about

  3. I am particularly interested in the line that says God is a prayer loving God. How I wish a lot of Christians will see God as a father that longs for us to just seek his presence.

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