Ikwuagwu igwe

Stale Prayer not Allowed

Stale Prayer?

Is it possible to have stale prayer? yes, because God receives our prayers like an incense or sacrifice.

What you prayed for yesterday may not deliver today’s answer- you must have a fresh prayer at all times if not you will have a stale prayer. This is not for you to change your request but that you will maintain your request as a fresh pending urgent and pressing request.

Yesterday’s faith will not carry you today- your faith must be fresh at all times. Your prayer must be fresh at all times if not you will have a stale prayer. Your yesterday’s Rhema, revelation and insights will not be enough for the present challenge; you need today’s strength.

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Follow God even into today; don’t make the mistake of leaving where you left Him yesterday. You have to be a current follower of God. God moves with those who are current, those who are present now. He is our ever present help. His name is “I AM” not “I was”. He is a now God. The scripture tells us to seek the Lord while He may be found- He can be found today, now and not tomorrow; so grab Him now that He is available. Do not postpone God. When you postpone God, you rob yourself of what is obtainable now.

I know you have prayed before, that’s all wonderful and by so doing you have gathered momentum, but when kinetic energy is not available, momentum will not come into effect. Momentum is a combination of cumulative energy and the present force available to give the push.

John 1: 16, tells us that there is grace available for each day.

His mercies are new every morning.

He loads our lives daily with His benefits.

He provided the manna on a daily basis.

Jesus recommends that we ask him for our daily bread.

Listen, God wants us to approach Him daily on an empty tank, ready to receive His fullness for the moment. Forget where you have been, who you have been and what you have been and approach God on a clean slate now. Your past could be your problem, let it go and face God now.

I know you will do well…I love you!

3 thoughts on “Stale Prayer not Allowed”

  1. we never repeat the same conversations with people, it gets boring, but why do we do it with God? Come clean and fresh always.

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