Ikwuagwu igwe

On Being Prayerful


There is no such thing as being very prayerful nor is there any truth in saying one of s a very prayerful Christian.

What about prayer warriors? You may ask. Yes, what about them?

They pray a lot you may say, but I have come across where it says in the Bible  that it is the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man (Christian) that makes tremendous power available. Notice, it is whether the man is righteous not whether he is a prayer warrior.

Now let me talk about this righteous man. A man can be righteous and not be aware that he is righteous. This ignorance doesn\’t change or affect the truth about his righteousness.

But his awareness about his righteousness is what will enable him to walk in righteousness. When he is walking in righteousness which is as a result of his awareness that he is righteous, then he can pray an effective and fervent prayer.

When you walk in righteousness then you are fully dependent on God. It all boils down to His grace at work in you. This is because part of this awareness is in the acknowledgement that it is not by your works that you are righteous but by His grace and efforts.

Prayer is communication with God, that you need Him in all things. There is no particular scripture in the Bible that summarizes everything about prayer, each of the scriptures about prayer has given its own particular shade about prayer. However, each of these scriptures have a common factor which is, Letting God knows that you need Him more than any other.

In this light, there\’s no Christian that needs God more than the other. We all have the same need for Good and we have shared this in common right from the beginning.

Whether you choose to admit this or not, still does not affect the immutability of this truth.

A Christian is one who depends non God and to depend on God is to pray to God either in silence,meditations, songs, loud cries, trembling, in tongues even in groaning.

In whatever manner you\’ve found yourself, pray in season and out of season.

It is the awareness of your connection to God in righteousness that produces in you an effectual and fervent communication that produces power.

So before you sleep tonight, let\’s make some changes through prayer.\"purpose,

Shall we pray…

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